Replacement Grommets for Fender Rhodes

Grommets play a vital role in the proper functioning of a Fender Rhodes. They hold the tine bars (which act like tuning forks) in place while allowing them to vibrate freely.

However, over time these small rubber components age and lose their effectiveness, causing sound problems on your instrument.

Why replace grommets?

The original rubber grommets crystallize and deteriorate over time. As they age, they affect the stability of the tine bars, which can result in dead notes or uneven tones. When the tines don’t vibrate properly, the result is a muffled sound, lacking its original qualities like timbre and harmonics.

Deterioration of the grommets also affects the sustain of the notes, especially in the high notes, where shorter tines are more susceptible to this phenomenon. If your Fender Rhodes is suffering from a loss of sustain or dull tones, it’s probably time to replace these vital parts.

The advantages of the new grommets

At Funky Keys, we encourage our customers to replace the original grommets with high-quality grommets provided by our partners like Vintage Vibe. These grommets are made with modern materials that offer better resistance to wear and allow to fully restore the sonic characteristics of your piano. Thanks to this intervention, you will find:

  • A better sustain on the entire keyboard.
    Rich and present
  • harmonics in each note.
  • A clear and balanced timbre, as at the origin.
  • An overall improvement in the response and performance of your instrument.

A tailor-made replacement process

Replacing grommets is a delicate procedure that requires special attention. Each Fender Rhodes is unique, and we tailor our services to the specific condition of your instrument. At Funky Keys, we perform a complete diagnosis before any intervention to offer you a perfectly adapted solution.

Consultation and appointment booking

Before undertaking a grommet replacement, we recommend that you schedule a personalized consultation. This will allow us to determine the condition of your instrument and develop a specific restoration plan.

Contact us today by phone or email to schedule your appointment or obtain more information. Our team of experts is available to answer your questions and help you restore your Fender Rhodes to its full sonic glory.

Bring your Fender Rhodes back to life

Don't let aging grommets affect the sound quality of your piano. Let us replace your grommets and rediscover rich sound, impeccable sustain and vibrant harmonics. Contact us now to discuss your restoration project and schedule an intervention!

Funky Keys Custom Fender Rhodes Repair #1

Specialist in the repair and custom tuning of vintage Fender Rhodes pianos

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